If less than 11000 annually in hospitalisations and 2000 provide a 30% fewer deaths, says Chief Medical Officer for England.
Children injection is not start immune are using nasal sprays, in 2014 at the earliest.
Injectable flu vaccine is over-65s will continue to provide medical conditions such as asthma and pregnant women.
Children from the normal seasonal flu Gets the sometimes unpleasant illness and mild. They rarely suffers from the complications. Or young people already offers flu vaccine risk group is normal.
Professor Dame Sally Davies: "less this 11000 hospitalisations and less than 2000 deaths every year result should be"Said vaccines and vaccine of ( JCVI ) Joint Committee vulnerable, infections in the elderly and other severe cases as well as the children of the many new strategies of many and will avoid the flu among the Lord's death.
Professor Dame Sally Davies, British medical officer I said: "also 30% is estimated annually less than 2000 deaths and hospitalisations less moderate intake of this 11000 results.
"But we aim to get the vaccination of our children a much higher percentage. And that will save many lives "
These figures are based on unpublished studies from London hygiene and tropical medicine and the health protection agency.
ParentIf contains a contract price negotiations for vaccines sold details of the vaccination plans for the most Davis, Professor of AstraZeneca in yet did not he said.
The Department of Health said not capable of providing company as early as 2014, enough vaccine.
Fluenz Sutra nasal vaccine live attenuated - weakened - used number of years under the United States brand name FluMist, is.
In its latest meeting minutes, JCVI vaccine "good safety profile" and says more widely be it given your nose in the form of spray, accepted the children and their parents.
However, mild influenza, such as side effects, runny nose or sore throat pain-like the symptoms can include.
Said Professor Adam Finn, children, Bristol Royal Hospital pediatric infectious diseases consultant: "we are effective in old age, and a safe flu childhood as well as serious illness can be knows, this is a good idea.
"Should be before introducing the vaccine to predict and work with programs like this that would be accepted well how much we some research to more time. ?
JCVI will enable currently says "some too" hope school nurses vaccination is the number of children in GP surgeries and schools.
Before reaching the adult offers more than twice the number of immunization Committee also said it's a huge expansion of immunization programs, kids.
Nasal Flu vaccine against the 9 million children and price tag £ 100 m per year or more can be.
9 Less than may can require a child older than the kids off the two-dose vaccination weeks and need a single dose and interval.
United Kingdom is considered as the first country in the world to provide free influenza vaccination to all children. Here all other vaccines are not enforced.
Herd immunityJCVI and say the reaction mixture "that influenza vaccination programs, parent, campaign information for children, medical staff is recommended.
What is known as herd immunity as wider than all vaccinated population is intended for personal profit. There are already examples profitable for others is the key.
Have received the vaccination for all children who rubella ( also known as Germany measles). Only the virus causes mild infection children. However, if the infection during early pregnancy to catch a woman to the developing baby can cause the serious damage.
Provides protection not yet born by immunising a child against rubella to others.
Others extend the influenza vaccination in healthy children in the same way provides the most health benefits.
Said Professor Davis is avoid healthy child "disastrous" may ill to influenza from getting true benefits.
She added: "will also protect their baby brother or sister, grand-parents remember, because really it is worth doing"
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