Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Teeth Healthy Snacks For Kids - Advice From a Children's Dentist

As most parents know, children do not always want healthy snacks - especially when they have the ability to eat sugar, snacks loaded instead. What parents may not realize or think about too often just how bad those sweet snacks for their children. Not only will they affect the child's weight, but they can also destroy the teeth of a child. No parents want to have to return to the dentist because children have to deal with rotten teeth and tooth decay. Here are some tips from children's dentist teeth on some healthy snacks for kids.

healthy diet for healthy teeth

balanced diet is essential for maintaining good oral health of children. When too many foods containing starch and sugars are eaten, the board is able to thrive on zubima.Ploča mixes with sugars and starches found in foods to produce acids that attack the enamel on the teeth, causing tooth decay. When a child has a nutritious diet, the chances of plaque formation and causes tooth decay dramatically smanjuje.Uravnotežena diet for children is not just about food, but also includes healthy snacks. In fact, the snacks are usually the worst food in the child's diet, because they often are quick, unhealthy, "the way" treats.

healthy snacks to consider

There are lots of nutritious snacks to children's dentist will recommend. The teeth of healthy snacks do not have to be complicated, but can be as easy as grabbing a chocolate bar. Some quick nutritious food for healthy teeth include: sliced ​​fruit, raw vegetables with dip, string cheese, and yogurt. Their children's dentist will be able to recommend a lot more teeth healthy snacks, as well.

Snacks to limit or avoid

snack foods such as chocolate bars, candy, cakes, biscuits and crisps should be avoided or at least restricted to special occasions. These foods contain too much sugar and starch that lead to tooth decay in children. Others recommend advice from children's dentist to limit the amount of fruit juice that is given to a child. Most fruit juices contain large amounts of sugar. Instead, give your child milk or water and have them eat a piece of fruit. It's a good idea to avoid buying more of these non-nutritious foods or drinks that are not available to their children.

other types of snack foods that should be limited in children are the ones that tend to keep their children zube.Dječji dentist may recommend avoiding these foods more than foods that sit on the teeth, it is likely acid in sugar will start to attack tooth, causing tooth decay to begin. Examples of these types of snacks are raisins, fruit snacks, white bread, peanut butter and dried fruits


No matter how hard you try, however, it is usually inevitable that both children and adults will occasionally eat sweets. It is sometimes just too hard to pass up a piece of celebratory cake or special holiday cookies. However, it is especially important to brush after eating sweet snacks. If brushing is not possible, even rinse your mouth with water will help.

If you have any trouble picking out a balanced diet for their children, their children's dentist will be able to help you choose the best foods to kids teeth healthy for years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Children like eating all sorts of things that aren't really good for them. It is very difficult sometimes to get them to eat the right 'stuff'. I found the perfect solution to get the best of the best into their bodies!

    children dentists
