Sunday, December 4, 2011

Healthy Skin, Hair and Teeth - Benefits of a Healthy Diet






Citrus fruit





Olive Oil


Sunflower seeds









This is just a partial list of foods rich in vitamins and minerals you need for healthy skin. Food and drink you have to eliminate or reduce consumption including alcohol, sugar and saturated fat. Coffee and tea should be limited to two cups a day.

Since the skin often mirrors the health of the whole body, eating a healthy diet you a healthy body and as an additional benefit, healthy skin.

healthy hair

Healthy hair depends on eating foods rich in protein and certain vitamins and minerals. Inadequate protein intake over a long period can force hair into the resting phase to the rejection of a few months later. Fri amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine​​, methionine, arginine and lysine


There are a number of different specific hair vitamins and minerals that can play an important role in helping people have healthy hair. Vitamins are essential for healthy hair include vitamins A, B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid. Minerals needed for good growth of hair as magnesium, sulfur, silicon and zinc.

Extra hair vitamins are likely to be needed if a person is good or is undernourished as the hair will show damage and May even stop growing. For example, brittle hair is a sign of iron deficiency, while long-term and severe hair loss can mean inefficient functioning of the liver or thyroid.

healthy teeth

health of teeth and gums, lack of plaque and debris, and the freshness of your breath can be a constant reminder of the status of your overall body zdravlje.Zdravo usually means healthy teeth as well.

as well as promote healthy skin and hair healthy, eat healthy foods (such as lots of fresh fruits and vegetables) also helps promote healthy teeth. These foods tend to scrub the plates of our teeth before it can turn into tartar. It is a stone that can cause pockets in the gums where bacteria can take root and cause decay.

Vitamin C deficiencies can lead to bleeding gums and loose teeth, and mouth sores vitamin B complex is also essential for a healthy mouth as deficiencies can cause cracking and bleeding lips and open wounds and lesions on the inside and outside the mouth.

Calcium is a super nutrient that keeps bones and teeth strong. Vitamin D is another important factor in keeping our teeth and bones healthy. Spending a total of about one hour a week in the sun usually will give you all the vitamin D you need.

In addition to causing other problems with our health, too much fluoride can cause permanent staining of teeth of our children. It can also cause brain degeneration and certain types of cancer. So be very careful to rinse completely, after brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and fluoride treatments at the dentist.


There is no way around nje.Jedini way to the healthy skin, healthy hair and healthy teeth is to give your body vitamins, minerals and proteins to warm up healthy and well-rounded diet.

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