Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why Fitness Is Important for Teens

With the increasing focus on childhood obesity, the health of children and teenagers in the media spotlight, and probably, there needs to be more understanding of how to encourage young people to get fit. Statistics suggest teens spend about 30 hours each week watching television and eating fatty junk food. In relation to the exercise, there is very little activity among teens. There are so many who do not participate in physical activities that is probably not surprising that obesity rates are up. Many teenagers can even draw not to PE in school later in the academic life. It is important, therefore, emphasize the importance of fitness for young people in an attractive manner.

is a physical fitness component because it strengthens the body against disease, it makes your muscles stronger and pumps more blood to the heart. It also prevents fatigue and teenagers should be more agile. Most young people lack the physical activity that has a large influence on their metabolism. If you are stuck in a day is more than likely to pass the time watching television, playing games and eating. This results in obesity and as soon as the body becomes larger, they become dependent on this, and this may affect the academic success and life style, and overall fitness. More so, teenagers with serious body are more likely to develop diabetes, heart problems and arthritis.

Fitness can help young people. They can take up sports or join a school or college sports clubs or sports teams. It can help with self-worth, as friends and team and leadership skills. They also can get involved with things such as school sports days to get fitter and more active. Swimming is important to many, health clubs and leisure centers provide swimming lessons and competitions, as well as schools. Sports such as football and cricket are also popular among teenagers, and even play this at lunch time allows for better fitness. It is also a group activity and desire to work in a team and an appetite for victory may encourage young people to better fitness through sport.

Teens also can shape your abilities. I can walk to school or college, and if you have a job you can walk or cycle back and forth from there, and it helps the cardiovascular muscle strength in their bodies. It will also burn off any lingering calories your body carries. There are cycling clubs for young people to join. With the Olympics are not far away, cycling could provide aspiration for the future, if teenagers get into the sport. This is a great incentive to take more care with their health.

Some teens worry about their bodies and care, sometimes too much, the way they izgledaju.Puno youth to join the hall to build your body and prepare them for later in life and generally feel better about yourself. If combined with a balanced diet can go a long way to prevent obesity. That's three times the responsibility here. From parents, schools and teenagers

Fitness for Young emphasized how important it is becoming more and more in today's world. By getting involved in sport, with an emphasis on physical fitness, getting involved with a local team, go cycling or swimming, walking, and more than a place, and obesity numbers can be significantly reduced. If not, then problems may persist later in life, and this can have serious consequences for the future health of the current teenage generation. Therefore, health and exercise for young people should be very prominent.

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