Saturday, December 3, 2011

Health, Medicine, and Glyconutrition - The Future Isn't What It Used to Be

This is what they call "Hope ?"

We are all accustomed to the idea that certain maladies will be around for awhile ... as the Second Coming. Maladies such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis ... and many more are expected to be around, in epidemic proportions, more than you think you will be alive ... and anyone who tries to tell us a different look with real skepticism. In fact, when someone tries to tell us "hope" for such maladies as, say, diabetes, we are more likely to believe that a person trying to sell us

Until these discoveries, scientists had no idea how the cells of your body could tell antibodies your body you had an infection and had to "get in here" to deal with it. Until these discoveries, scientists had no idea how the cells of your body told the rest of your body that needs food, oxygen, waste elimination, infections healed ... and a thousand and one other necessary functions of every cell. Goodness! We are in the scientific world is not known just exactly how even aspirin made ​​its way to the nasty headache of yours. We just knew it worked. Therefore, we prescribed.

Sugar? They say not so, doc!

But my attention was riveted to the news that scientists like Dr. Gunter Blobel had discovered what had happened that some cells to communicate with other systems in the body. And would you believe it? What he found was amazing. Sugar ... SUGAR! (Glyco = Greek for "sugar") No. .. not table sugar (other diabetics would not be so excited about this new found support for diabetes ).

, br> There are over 200 sugars in nature, but eight of them are vital to our good health. In fact, eight of them were glyconutrition "backbone" to help the body to prevent or cure:

* auto-immune diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis

* overactive immune disorders such as allergies and asthma

* under active immune disorders such as cancer, tuberculosis, strep

* inflammatory diseases such as colitis, ulcers, Fibromyalgia

* other conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, infertility, heart disease

Suddenly, the medical world was in flames over glyconutrition. "Anecdotal evidence" about glyconutrition is mounting rapidly as people are finding the conditions that have long grieved them ... the thing of the past. For many, expectations for the future is "a long, long road" full of impossible dieting, grueling workouts, thousands of dollars for prescriptions, and the need to dream positively. People are getting relief - from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, allergies, and many others - with glyconutrition ... without a prescription! (Glyconutrition products are prescription items ... they feed .)

Oh yes. I almost forgot. If you go to your doctor and he was not aware of glyconutrition, do not panic. Your poor doctor can not keep up with all the signs, symptoms, conditions, and countless treatments, chemical make-up and complications associated with thousands of maladies and the millions of prescription antidotes for those diseases. I can not as a doctor, and I had decades of experience in this field. "He did it ..." as they say.

By the way, doctors usually do not find out what works first. They are just too busy being overwhelmed with medical conditions that they face, from day to day. They usually find out like everyone else ... They read about it or attend a seminar. Often, the market produces antidotes - or research finds the right treatment, as in this case -. Long before they do

But I can tell you this. Glyconutrition is helping conditions as diverse as diabetes and Alzheimer's ... and a lot of people have hope that these conditions may be the ... master ...

Suddenly, the future is not what it used to be ...

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