Friday, December 9, 2011

3 Health Foods Gone Bad!

a lot of yogurt is sugar trap that comes from artificial sweeteners like aspartame, Splenda and high fructose corn syrup, as well as processed fruits and sweet granola bits. You have to look yogurt that is low in sugar. There is a natural sugar called lactose in yogurt, so it will be some in it. Try to eat non-fat or low fat yogurt. Greek yogurt has more protein in it, a thicker consistency. Add your own flavor using fresh fruit, fruit jam, or a personal favorite, apple butter. Want crunch? Add high-fiber, whole grain cereal or granola. This way you control blood sugar, and will be far less than the commercial kind.

Do not be fooled by "healthy," says

Just because yogurt is the word "immunity" on the front does not mean that it is better to strengthen the immune system from other yogurt. If you are concerned about strengthening the immune system will give you a tip: stop eating junk processed foods full of artificial this and that, start exercising and get a good night's sleep. This will build your immune system is far more stupid than aspartame-filled yogurt.

yogurt covered raisins, yogurt covered granola bars, and almonds. It's like taking a healthy yogurt, add it to the natural fruit, nuts or cereal and you've got a yogurt covered health food. They must be healthy, right? Wrong! Check the ingredients, you will see that the so-called "creamy yogurt coating" is made from sugar, partially hydrogenated oil, yoghurt and artificial flavors! I to should be Hi ? Come on people, let us not be fooled any more, and let us get more educated and smarter about it.

Is it worth buying organic yogurt?

Yes! Even if your entire diet is organic, at least splurge money to buy organic dairy products, especially for their children. That way you'll be avoiding hormones, antibiotics, artificial sweeteners and colors at the same time! You and your family's health is way worth it!

2 Peanut butter

Peanut butter can be beneficial for a healthy diet, but buyers beware, not all peanut butters are the same. And some actually do more damage to your health than good. Thanks to the trans-fat food-labeling rules, companies can get away with claiming "0 grams trans fat" and still contain up to half a gram per serving!

Check the ingredients for hidden trans fat

If you see the words "partially hydrogenated" or "hydrogenated oil" in the ingredients, safe to assume that trans-fats in it. The old saying, "Do not judge a book by its cover." You need to look deeper into nju.Isto goes for food and drink products, "not to judge a product by its cover." Trans fats helps the peanut butter to be smooth, creamy, and more shelf stable. However, with your heart, nuisance, it should not be consumed.

Tips to help you buy the right nut butter

let you and your family's health in mind and buy the natural peanut butter, or try almond butter. Check the ingredients prvi.Kraći list of ingredients, naturally it will be free of added trans fat oil, sugar, salt. One tip that will help you when grocery shopping is the most natural peanut butter will have a visual separation of the ground peanuts on the bottom and oil on top. It must be stirred up when it first opened to get that creamy konzistencije.Popis ingredients of natural peanut butter or almond butter should be just peanuts or almonds, and maybe a little salt. Plain and simple, natural and healthy!

3 Soy

If you have any knowledge or interest in the medical know how controversial soy products are. Are they healthy for humans or not? Is soy "health food" and safe for me to consume in my diet? The answer may surprise you. Plain and simple: Fermented non-GMO soybeans everything is fine and fermented should be avoided.

Many Americans consume soy because a good source of protein, or possibly eat a vegetarian diet. However, the strain should not only be looked at as a "good source of protein" for the body. We need to look at it as a whole and how it affects our whole body. If something great for your heart, but damage to your liver and kidneys ... would you take it? Probably, I would hope not.

There are many reasons why soy products should be avoided in the diet that I mentioned in nastavku.Iznimke are fermented soy products like tempeh, Miss., natto and soy sauce. This does not include tofu, because it is not fermented, which makes it fall into the category of soy that you want to avoid.

health problems with fermented soybean

phytic acid interferes with the absorption of minerals

This fiber-like substance binds to iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium in your digestive tract. Your body absorbs less of those key minerals because phytic acid essentially relies on them and excreted in the stool.

trypsin inhibitor reduces the absorption of proteins

trypsin enzyme properly digest soy proteins and interferes with the digestion process it. Therefore, people eating soy protein as a replacement did not digest properly and make strong protein poop!

goitrogens affect thyroid function

unfermented soy is very goitrogenic, which can lead to hypothyroidism, or "slow" thyroid. The Americans already have enough problems with the thyroid, why would I eat something that is known to further damage?

Phyto estrogens cause hormonal imbalance

Soy contains high levels of isoflavones, which are a group of phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen in our body. Excess estrogen is associated with breast and ovarian cancer, can cause young girls go through puberty early and the boys will be delayed.

Soybeans GMO crops is considered

genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism which the genetic material is altered by genetic engineering techniques. With all the scientific research it all comes down to it. Multinational companies now have a variety of natural foods such as soy, and created a genetically foreign substances that our bodies were designed to digest properly. This may be why it is associated with infertility and cancer. Check the label clearly states that a certified non-GMO soybeans through identity preservation program.

So why is there so much hype about soy is healthy for us?

Since it is a great job! It is cheap, subsidized crops by the government and the multinational companies invested in it. So of course they are going to advertise widely and immediately available to us consumers. Soy is in everything! Just pick up the product and look at the label. Bottom line is, if you eat soy, be sure it is fermented, non-GMO and be wise product on the market that are detrimental to soybean hidden in it.

yogurt, nut butters, and soy can be a positive asset diets until they know what to look for. Now that you have a better understanding of the ingredients to limit or avoid, and how it can affect your body, it will help you in your journey.

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