Iako je potrebno četkanje zuba najmanje svakih 12 sati kako bi se spriječilo plaka i kamenca nakon toga od stvaraju na zubima, bez šećera desni je korisna alternativa ako se žele zadržati usta čista, dok čeka da pere zube. U stvari, počinju ga preporučiti svojim pacijentima kako bi pomogli s oralno zdravlje. Sjeti se, iznimno je važno kako bi bili sigurni da guma ne sadrži šećer kao uvod i zadržavanje šećera u ustima će samo pomoći bakterije množe i oštećenja zuba. Ako guma sadrže šećer treba konzumirati zatim pokušati da ga žvakati duže od, čak i nakon što je otišao okus, kao što je šećer će se potroše u tom trenutku i nastavio proizvodnju sline će pomoći u suzbijanju negativnih učinaka. No najbolje je da samo uvijek nosi paket šećera-free guma okolo i koristiti da bi zadovoljili bilo žudnje.
chewing motion stimulates the salivary glands to produce saliva, which is beneficial for oral health and hygiene in several ways. Saliva helps flood your mouth and wash them all the remaining food particles which stubbornly remained behind. Saliva also contains anti-microbial enzymes that help kill bacteria in the mouth, as well as calcium, which contributes to the care of dental enamel. Plaque acids increase dramatically after eating a meal and saliva contains a mild alkali, which helps to neutralize these acids.
...Another benefit of chewing gum is in the ingredients of sugarless gum. Some brands contain xylitol gum, which is a natural sweetener with no negative side effects of regular sugar. Found in fruits and vegetables, Xylitol has the same level of sweetness as sucrose and can therefore be used as a sweetener, as well as a health supplement. It has been found to prevent osteoporosis, inhibit bacteria and prevent tooth decay. Because xylitol capabilities, creates a hostile environment for bacteria in the mouth and body, prevents bacteria from attaching to surfaces and multiplying in the form of plates. Not all sugar-free gum containing xylitol, so that the benefits of this natural sweetener will be sure to check the ingredients on the label right.
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