Although there is more awareness about the dangers of sunbathing, very few of us actually understand how it can damage our health or how they could enjoy the sun safely without the worry of solar keratoses.
I had a concern about the 'place' on my face recently, and as it was only a short time before a family vacation I have an appointment with my GP when we returned, and that really brought me back down to earth with a thud when he mentioned could be solar keratoses -. also known as Actinic keratosis
Realistically I know I should have attended before, especially as I intend to sunbathe most days, although certainly - Factor 30 Sun Lotion + 50 moles of the sun over all the areas that are easy to get tender, such as shoulders and face uvisoka thirty degrees, a big floppy hat and good quality sunglasses.
Eight weeks ago I noticed what I thought at first was a place on my cheek. I've never really had a place as a teenager, so I watched this place growing, patiently waiting for their time, so I could squeeze in!
After pressing the point quickly turned it red and uncomfortable, so I complained to the touch and it took several days to heal more, it sent my little gray cells to work overtime, even though I knew he did not look anything like the pictures of skin cancer I've seen, I was a little worried.
When he was heals over a very grown up and ridiculous shape that several people have mentioned, but it was not black - it was very white and very dry were turned and horny -. I ignored it
Although it never bothers me, unconsciously her fingers would not leave him alone. At home I kept covered completely with the sun and with all my moles, but again, I accidentally knocked on top of him and heal back larger than it was before.
never smoked or taken drugs - just laid down, eat good food and drink very little alcohol, I personally believe that a healthy lifestyle, but my sunbathing habits -. Especially in my younger days jeopardize this
for the sun makes most of us feel good factor, and a bit of sun a day is good for us because it allows the body to enhance the production of vitamin D in the skin.
Very few of us are aware of the harm that Sun worship may have. SK or solar keratoses are becoming increasingly common skin condition, but rarely known. This condition is left untreated, can develop into skin cancer.
of the British Association of Dermatologists (bad) recently said, though, despite years of warnings and increased publicity, half of Britons would not recognize the signs of possible skin cancer and one quarter never check their skin for the disease.
of the British Association of Dermatologists (bad) recently said, though, despite years of warnings and increased publicity, half of Britons would not recognize the signs of possible skin cancer and one quarter never check their skin for the disease.
...Solar keratoses are not skin cancer but an indicator of damage from the sun, of which 1 in 10 may develop into cancer. According to the American Academy of Dermatologists 40 percent of all squamous cell carcinomas begin SKS.
caught early, squamous cell cancers are curable, but the consequences could be dire if left untreated spread to other parts of the body.
Regular monitoring of the body are very important, not only for moles, but any changes or unusual marks on your skin. Your GP or practice nurse should be consulted if you have any questions, and who welcome you with regular checks to prevent the SKS is not treated and converted into something potentially more serious.
Solar keratoses Treatment varies from topical creams to freezing and turning off the lesion.
SCA is most often found on the scalp, neck, face, ears, lips, hands, back and forearms, and in women also lower leg, but really be found anywhere on the body.
sun damage accumulates over time, it is a lifetime of sun exposure, which adds risk experts say, and not just recent or isolated sunbathing
.Many people do not realize is that even on a cloudy day the skin is exposed to UVA and UVB rays that cause skin damage, so make sun protection a daily occurrence to reduce risk.
Solar keratosis is a reaction to over exposure to sunlight, especially when we are young, it changes shape, size, structure and organization of our skin cells, and can range in size from the head to the PIN inches across.
lesions of the texture is dry and hard and so often can be recognized by touch rather than sight in the beginning. The area also may be tender or itchy rash, especially after being in the sun.
The solar keratosis successfully treated,. Regular checks and examinations are advised to keep the situation under control
types of skin can also determine the degree of risk -. Fair skin has less protective pigment and therefore, burning more easily, as red hair blonde and a greater risk in the sun with blue, green or gray eyes of people
People with darker or olive skin should not be assumed that they are not in danger, or, as these skin types are sensitive to prolonged exposure to
In addition, people need to understand solar keratoses is not just women's problem, many men still think they should not use sunscreen, or because you can work outside all year round, and "using" the sun or find him not 'cool', and that the health problem that needs solving, and sunscreen should be part of normal daily routines.
There is a greater risk of solar keratoses with people who have a weakened immune system, either through illness or poor diet, and eating good food for good health is and always has.
As you know, we always say that you are what you eat and that 'good food, good health "should be the basis for all healthy living and healthy outlook on life with a varied diet of good healthy food to your liver well balanced and functioning is important for the whole body, including the health of your skin.
good food that's great for your skin lycopene is found abundantly in tomatoes, dark red tomatoes over lycopene content, and be a powerful anti-oxidant lycopene is great and clean up harmful molecules free radicals - which are associated with cancer
.Recent studies have been conducted has shown that a diet rich in lycopene is actually the advantage, of course, helps protect skin from damage, tests and suggested that the production of collagen was induced tomato diet, it jeprotein that keeps our skin supple.
Tomatoes are regularly associated with warding off skin cancer, breast, lung, bladder and pancreas, and even fight against prostrate cancer.
of water - melons and grapefruit juice is another good source of lycopene, but tomato is far easier to include in your daily diet as tomato puree, ketchup and soup that are condensed are very high in lycopene
.Damage to the skin from the sun can not be reversed, but sensible precautions you can take to prevent it being damaged further, reducing the chances of getting a solar keratosis.
to avoid the sun when it is the strongest - 10:00 to 16:00, to wear clothing that covers arms and legs and a wide brim hat, use sunscreen at least SPF 15 or higher, and then generously every two hours [. [/ P>
I consider myself very lucky this time as a "place" is nothing to worry, my doctor remove it for me and insisted that I regularly check other sites like this, and that was 110% better sought his advice before my vacation, not to squeeze him!
I am fully aware that I was and that his advice was correct, but I chose to ignore my conscience, and that is what we all have to change. So many people lying in the sun from day to day with a little care and May well be aware of the danger, but choose to ignore the consequences until it is too late, so make sure you and your family are sure to enjoy the sun.
I have this advice on board, I know it bothers my family that there is no way I would let any wait time at all before they seek medical attention - 100 percent accurate. They say I have a poster for a safe tanning and this will only fuel my lecture to them on this topic!
all the girls I heckled over it, but I would prefer to drill home the dangers of tanning them, as we are still perceived as a healthier look Browner we get. It is far cheaper and safer to tan from a bottle and new product available it looks like the real thing when applied to the skin peeling right.
So, do not forget the 'good food for good health "is the best way to keep your body works according to plan, a diet consisting of a variety of good nutritional food will give you all the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your skin in tip top condition.
So, do not forget the early detection of any changes to your skin and safely enjoy the sunshine is the best protection against solar keratoses.
Sandra and Ted
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