The basic unit of structure and function in the company of family. In the embrace of family, caring individuals, developing identity and shape the values and beliefs that will become the basis for their actions and decisions later in life. Social skills and lessons about health and wellness all start with family. They are also the individual's primary means of personal support during the upheavals and major setbacks in the life of the individual. Family Health plays a major role in individual state of physical and mental health. Wright and Leahey (2000) describes five functions of the family that promote the health of individuals and families. These are:
1) management,
2) limit setting,
3) communication,
4) education and support and
5) socialization.
Adults take responsibility for allocating funds and setting up the rules as well as planning for the future. The role of adults and children in the family determines the limits set. Meaningful communication is a sign of a healthy family. Accurate, truthful and meaningful communication is crucial for families zdravlje.Fizički, emotionally and socially healthy life is developed through education, and manifest the love and support is a sign of cohesive families among its members. Socialization is the transfer function of the family culture and norms of acceptable behavior and that an individual needs to function well integrated into the world.
Faced with setbacks, worries and troubles either in the form of illness, job loss of the breadwinner, strained relationships and death, the family must rely on each other, to fight and handle the situation effectively. When you are able to do, emotional withdrawal, physical distancing or physiological events in the form of the disease occurs in one or all family members. Most cases of dependency and alienation are the results of a lack of family time and communication with each drugim.Zauzet and hectic schedule brought about by the demands of school and career, children and their parents, respectively, have been almost non-existent family communication. This has caused children to turn their peers, food or other substance for comfort and handling.
Parents, therefore, must initiate moves to promote family health. Communication lines can be opened through the consumption of meals together and the physical activity and play together as a family. It not only promotes family connections and wealth, but each individual member of the physical health as well. This type of communication begins when the children are still young enough to consider all parents say that law. When he started early enough, the consumption of meals together only becomes a matter of habit. The same applies to set strict hours of television and computers, and making exercise a fun part of the weekend time together.
for the healthy functioning of the family, all five functions listed above must be met. When you grow up in families manage their finances and plan for the future and, when the border post, where communication is encouraged, where education and support to keep you in place of socialization, the family becomes a truly fit and healthy.
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