Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Philosophy of Chinese Medicine - Developing Optimum Health

Chinese people, saying. "Chinese medicine treats humans while western medicine treats diseases," Today, many Chinese do not see a conflict between Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. For example, the case of acute appendicitis should be treated by surgically removing the appendix. However, the philosophy of Chinese medicine is to keep the body, mind and spirit into balance to prevent appendicitis. Concepts in traditional Chinese medicine includes holistic approach that takes into account the mental health, nutrition, lifestyle and qi (vital energy), while Western medicine tends more simplified cause and effect relationship in which symptoms are treated with drugs that often have undesirable side effects.

Because of the systematic approach and the overall effectiveness of the century had a major impact on the theory and practice of medicine in the East, and recently has grown rapidly in popularity in the West. It is still the largest part of health care in China, and is in hospital with Western medicine.

In the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, optimum health results from living harmoniously in balance, and poor health can occur when the natural balance of energy is disturbed and becomes unbalanced. Because healthy people can resist everyday bacteria and viruses, the most respected herbal formulas are those that maintain and improve overall health, without side effects. Chinese medicine aims to imbalances and disorders of Qi energy through various methods, bringing the body back into harmony, so that it is able to heal.

General signs that your body begins to balance out or already out of balance are: high stress, insomnia, skin issues, headaches, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, respiratory issues and gastro-intestinal. These conditions, as well as many others have been regularly and successfully treated with Chinese medicine technique without invasive methods and unwanted side effects. Chinese medicine works regardless of the resolution can be a source of imbalance, not just the symptom.

Another sought-after aspect of the best Chinese medicine treatments is that they are working to harmonize your condition no matter how much you are out of balance. For example, there are herbal formulas, such as the balance of qi in your body, it may help to balance the stress of removing the skin issues, and pour all your energy at the same time, this approach is used instead of the Western approach is to have a special treatment for each question.

priority of Chinese medicine is to maintain the balance of the body, instead of having to return from a state of imbalance. Herbal formulas are one of the main method of keeping the body healthy, and are very popular because they have been used for thousands of years of proven success. Other methods used in Chinese medicine include acupuncture, food therapy, massage therapy and various breathing techniques and meditation (tai chi and qi gong).

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