Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ayurveda - The World's Oldest System of Health Treatment

is said that Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicine, tracing its roots back in India at least 3500 years. It is based on the bodies innate ability to heal, and it is believed that the first system of healing in the world based on natural principles, not on superstition or magic. Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health of persons, and considers the emotional and physical aspects of a person's well-being, and his treatment methods include the use of herbs and exercise, and nutrition and detoxification.

Like all good health modalities, Ayurveda deals with the prevention of ill health, so that one can enjoy long and healthy life. According to the teachings, the constitution of an individual depends on the balance of three vital energies of the body called "doshas." If you are balanced, and enjoys good health of the person concerned. Of vital importance in accordance with Ayurvedic principles is the need for a digestive system that is ispravno.Bilanca doshas affect binge eating and emotional factors, and this in turn has a negative effect on the digestive system.

holistic nature of Ayurveda is reflected in the diversity of possible treatments, which may include nutritional and herbal treatments and lifestyle recommendations.

The three doshas are called vata, pitta and kapha. Vata dosha is considered that the movement of products, and symbolizes the air. Kapha is considered a stabilizing force that participates in the structure of the body, and symbolizes the country. Pitt is symbolized by fire. It is associated with dehydration, heat and digestion. Due to the fervent association, Pitt is considered to be the force that gives impetus to Kaphic material or substance that is converted to gaseous or prophetic force that animates and activates.

If there is a disruption in any of the three doshas, then this disturbance will be reflected in the physical and emotional well-being of the patient. According to Ayurvedic principles, every man is born with their own unique balance of doshas, the Constitution and the people to potential health problems reflect the nature of this condition. Ayurveda has a large number of herbal medicines for a range of health problems, and even has a history of surgical intervention for a range of health problems.

Ayurveda is recognized by the World Health Organization and widely practiced in India today.

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