Thursday, October 27, 2011

Understanding Your Dog's Skin Health Problems

dog health and skin problems are the two main challenges faced by pet owners worldwide. Skin problems of dogs cause itching and scratching. This will lead to itching, scratching of the pet owners in poludjeti.Vrlo sightseeing dog scratching if I irritate the owner, then it can be tempting to imagine a dog must be tijeku.Drugo name for itching is svrbež.Susceptibly for skin diseases varies from dog to dog .

Environmental dermatitis

dogs that have this problem are nutritionally and physically normal, but the itching, skin irritation and hair loss were observed. By talking to pet owners on diet, activity, medications, etc. dog veterinarian will rule out other forms of dermatitis. From history taking to the vet to find out that he likes to play in the pool, she likes to dig holes in the mud and prefers a mess in this area.

These dogs because of their habit to accumulate dirt and water tijelu.Bakterije will grow and reproduce well in this situation, and will be ready to set infekcije.Psi thick coat and thick hair are more prone to this bacterial reproduction. Any small wound on the skin as the blade cuts can cause an infection. Moist eczema popularly known as the hot spot is the most common form of environmental dermatitis. In some dogs contact with the plastic also cause environmental dermatitis

Food dermatitis

dermatitis can also result from poor nutrition. There is no doubt that pet owners not to feed animals food that is balanced, conscious. However, owners are looking for less food prices could buy some low-quality brand of pet food and offer dog. In such cases, the dogs will be under constant stress will lead to conditions such as dermatitis.

Therefore, it is the duty of the pet owner to provide a balanced dog food to prevent food dermatitis. Read the ingredients in pet food before buying products. If someone notices the presence of lamb, poultry, fish and / or beef, then the chances of nutritional dermatitis is less. Supplements do not help,. Therefore, to provide supplements such as vitamins, minerals and omega fatty acids

In both cases, dermatitis, if the animal is treated with antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs, the elimination of the triggering factor, the condition can be cured. Dog health and skin problems, if addressed before the condition worsens, it is highly appreciated.

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