Friday, October 14, 2011

Slumps in Your Sport? Five Things to Do When the Game Goes South

There were moments in my martial arts career when I would be 100% ready for the competition. Then, in case I would not focus and it would be a disaster. On the other competitions, I would have limited training time due to injury or attack the flu, and then do very well at the event.

I began to realize that there were many factors that can affect my, many of them peripheral or outside of my sport. Quite simply, slumps or bad day can have little or nothing to do with our skill, hard work, or equipment. So, we do not have to feel bad about those mistakes, but we certainly have to understand what causes them.

Here is a brief list of some peripheral distractions that many athletes can identify with:

business roles - wearing two hats at once, such as mixing of both client and business promotion during the competition or game

by stress - stressful working conditions

Homepage stress - a spouse, teenagers, aging parents, money issues, retirement issues, or guilt at being away from my family

stress health - injuries or health problems

Conflict Management - is used to getting their way, but it can not fire or discipline a team member as an employee you can

Lack of sleep - worrying about creating even more anxiety

Aging - many young athletes, around college age, suddenly lose focus, because life gets more complicated, and social

Travel - a long tedious ride to get to training or competition site

We obtained peripheral stuff happens all the time. Basically we can handle it well. I usually can handle the tough stuff in one or two areas of our lives. But sometimes, when the BIG questions arise in several areas, according to family (aging parents), work (new and difficult boss) and health (knee injury), they eat away at our focus. They eat away by one degree to Wham ... there goes the game.

So, what happens when the "game going south?" Well, usually we do wrong and blaming and start to doubt what got us there - our skills, our effort and our equipment. And then we try to solve it by taking extra coaching, trained harder and longer, or buying new equipment. Although all of these can help a bit, eventually we crash and burn, because the problem is "none of the above." And that makes our poor performance and puzzling and frustrating.

Sometimes, even when there are no solutions for certain problems, we can change the way we perceive problems and learn to deal with them bolje.Sljedeća exercise will help you manage your peripheral matters. You will need a pencil and some paper and a time to do so.

Self-management training

1 You acknowledge yourself that you are not Superman and that your life is multi-faceted and complex. As well, some of us can have a less complex lives that we can enjoy our youth. Usually you have things that require your attention, and this fact is often driven by well-meaning people in an evil hour conversation just before the step in the field of competition or floor. Even those of you who are retired often share their volunteer activities and family and social functions that prey on your attention.

2 becomes an end of his life, so you can make good decisions on the basis of objectivity . You should be able to decide: Is this a problem or stress the equipment or training problem? And the best way to do this is to "step back" and take stock of your life. On paper, write a list of all the major roles to play. I've listed a few to give you some examples and show you how complicated life can be: parent, spouse, volunteer, coach, boss, employee, colleague, son, daughter, brother, sister, hobbies, grandparent, fitness buff, musician, gardener, etc. (Provide your profession as a single item, even though May you have many job roles .)

3 With the same objective, place a number beside each role play. This number (one to 10) is how you get into the zone during this activity. 10 suggest that the love of this area of your life and it is under control, and a suggest that the delay or avoid this area of ​​your life and you need to get it under control. Very quickly, as you evaluate your activities with this scoring system, you will get an objective view on the overall state of your mind.

if all of its roles in eight to 10 range, or work very well, or are in denial. Nobody is looking over their shoulder and to be honest. If the number of your role five or less, it's a wonder you struggle to keep your focus? Fixing this low, confusing the role will have a spillover effect on sports performance and your life.

4 Use visualization to this exercise . If you present well, you can find it easily. If you have more room or touch-oriented, you'll have to trust that you have the necessary images. Imagine now that the key role you specify stands shoulder to shoulder on the theater stage in front of you, you might as well cast play. You should be able to imagine that the roles are great in the zone, and they are small and insignificant and outside the zone. Some people see the role of the zone is not only larger, but brighter, clearer and louder. Conversely, for those who are outside the zone. In this way, you can clearly identify those who are confusing you.

5 Now we make some changes using this visualization. This May sound simple, but we are able to create balance in our lives by giving all of our roles enough dose zone. In essence, we are all the same veličine.Mala, weak and silent role of (low grade) should be seen in his mind as the eye just as big, strong, loud, and capable as enjoyable and authorized roles (high scores). Simply by making them look empowered to act for that way and you start to believe that it can be in these areas.

This changes our sense of the situation. You can even import into the roles of types of attributes and skills that you have seen others use. And if you're overwhelmed with too many activities, you can get some of their role to be home (and leave the stage). Be honest with yourself and then work to make the entire cast roles to manage the Zone.

When I work with athletes, coaches or anyone else for that matter, at the end of this exercise were generally feel very relaxed and calm. But they are not fixed anything yet! This exercise is not designed for it. But it is designed to give you some discoveries about his life. And it will help you change how you feel about your ability to handle problems. It can even make your life less complicated if you fire a few cast. Ultimately, this can help you stay focused on your game by building positive emotions in all their roles, and to those that are peripheral to your sport.

Here are some examples of peripheral issues I have helped solve the athletes over the years. Remember, none of these questions is that the athletes radar:

young athlete is struggling with school. He spent many hours each week hating it, and then be expected to perform at the highest level on the weekends. He rated the school as one. Raising the school-to-eight gave him the opportunity to scholarship, but mostly it allowed him to stay focused on the game, all game.

mature athlete realized he could have his cake and eat it too. He better understands his or her sport and the role of business owner and he has learned to move fluidly between the roles when the interference with customers or suppliers in their competitions.

young athlete was in decline. On the coach could not figure out what was ailing him. They realize that the coach, not an athlete, who was in a funk and it was affecting the athlete. Until that moment, they both had any number of excuses.

These are just some examples, but you get the idea. Step back and get an objective view of your life. Then work on creating a zone in all his roles. When you do, you may have some of them go, you will find a balance point where all of its roles will improve my game and along with them. To stay clear slumps, set up the process and reopen it regularly, before you spend a lot of money on equipment and coaching. Examine the role of play and determination to deal with peripheral matters in your life.

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