Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Beet Root Juice As Alternative Health Medicine

There is a search for alternative medicine and health has been discovered many surprising results. Beet juice is now one of the alternative health medicine.Istraživanje has shown that eating or drinking the juice of the sugar beet root, all the way to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and has also become one of the ways that we can fight.

is the beet plant in the family of sugar beet. It is also known for its healing properties. It is rich in carbohydrates, high in iron, calcium, potassium and prosphorous. beetroot contains no fat, there is very little and a good source of fiber. beetroot is known for its healing power plant, which is why it is now used as althernative health practitioners. the beet roots are high in Vitamin B which is good for anemia patients. It is also a good natural alternative for cancer.

beetroot juice also has many health benefits because it contains a good source of soluable fiber and insoluable that will help keep the digestive tract running smoothly and keep our blood sugar under control. It contains a high potassium which is good in the regulation of heart rate and keeping our blood pressure at normal speed. study revealed that beetroot contains dietary nitrate is found in green leafy vegetables and effectively help reduce blood pressure. It also acts as an antioxidant due to its vitamin content.

healthy people who consume the juice of the sugar beet root may reduce blood pressure within 1 hour of taking a drink. Beetroot has one of the highest sugar content of any vegetable makes it one of the most delicious juices with a vibrant red color and a rich refreshing flavor. Despite having a firm texture, can be juiced raw beets and goes well with citrus. You can also mix it with other vegetables like carrots or celery that for another great alternative health medicine as sugar beet juice.

1 comment:

  1. Great post.We did not know the use of Beet Root Juice.Beet juice is now using as one of the alternative health medicine. This is the surprising innovation of modern medical science. Thanks for sharing. Family Dentist
