Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Middle Class Dilemma

It is appropriate that this article be written on the 4th July, the birthday of the United Državama.Poznati phrase "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," has given us jenauk that would separate us from the rest svijeta.Deklaracija of Independence lays the foundation for a lifestyle to be envied by others around the world.

This is stated in 1776, but I can honestly say today? Are we all equal treatment? Has everyone given an equal chance for a good life? Remember that we have a government of, by, and for the people of the United States. Is it the idea of happiness, or dream a reality for the majority of our citizens? Are we still on track to pass on this concept of the American dream for our children? Think about it. What direction we are, and what direction we should be?

This is stated in 1776, but I can honestly say today? Are we all equal treatment? Has everyone given an equal chance for a good life? Remember that we have a government of, by, and for the people of the United States. Is it the idea of happiness, or dream a reality for the majority of our citizens? Are we still on track to pass on this concept of the American dream for our children? Think about it. What direction we are, and what direction we should be?


If you think that the country is prospering on the basis of the above phrase from our Declaration of Independence, would not you agree that should the success of our middle class could and should become a priority for our society? Are our country's priorities in line with the needs of all our citizens or are meeting the needs of elite power. Yes, everyone should have an incentive to improve, but not at the expense of punishing the middle class. As the voice of middle-class play in our current economic dilemma?

If a close look at the middle class, what would you find? The middle class was decimated, but not obliterated. In today's world we really have to tell the middle class to use and abuse of this class of people who are the backbone of our country. If you look back to 1980, when Congress turned its back on usury and the banks gave the green light to charge ridiculous interest rates to their customers, it shows how weak our representatives to the needs of the masses of middle class citizens.

As a result of a credit card with a 29.9% interest rate was uobičajena.Otplate are structured so that the average citizen will take on more debt as a bit of demand to pay down duga.Banke then found an increased penalty fees as a new source of income which has further increased the debt burden on their customers. All this is legal. Of course, the average person might have decided not to participate in this process predatory accumulation. However, saturation of more than one application credit card soon caught the imagination of its intended audience.

after the middle class to the saturation point long, the focus seemed to shift to the students. Now, consumer debt is at levels that are handcuffed by most participants. With predatory interest rates and a high late fee schedules many are struggling to stay afloat. In recent years, bankruptcy laws have changed, making it harder for individuals write off their bad debts through bankruptcy. Again, this is done to protect financial institutions recouping their bad debts. All this is calculated based on profit rather than individual welfare.

The same can be said about the dissolution of the real estate market. There was a great marketing pressure to allow people to buy homes and refinance with a predatory loan that would ultimately become unbearable for the borrower. People qualified for loans with inadequate capacity to repay their loans. Others with better credit over an extended their credit limits. Some loans are directly false, and the other contains a provision accelerating the interest that would trap borrowers, forcing them into foreclosure. With the repeal of the Glass Steagal more than ten years banks have become conglomerates, where there is no separation of commercial and investment banking.

real estate mortgage loans were packaged into investment collateralized debt obligations were sold to people and institutions worldwide, as well as high quality investicije.Financijske institutions are rolling in money. Needless to say, rating agencies are also to blame for the catastrophe that followed when these loans started defaulting result of these investments go kiselo.Veće assessment allowed financial institutions to offer these investments to lower interest rates, which resulted in giving them a higher profit marže.Investitori were duped as the bottom fell out of the entire residential real estate market.

Greed has fueled the economy for many years. Between 1973 and 2003 real per capita gross domestic product in the U.S. rose by seventy three percent. At the same time, hourly compensation rose by only thirteen per cent. Obviously the middle class does not participate in this growth. For decades, middle-class economic growth stagnates. Yes, their credit card balances increased, and they probably refinanced their homes several times to the capital to maintain their standard of living. It was all a false sense of well being. You should understand that our current economic crisis has many years of development.

It is my view that the rescue of financial institutions that caused our current economic crisis is not the right approach. My feeling is that no institution is so great that it can not be allowed to fail. Perhaps, it would be better to break these huge conglomerates through bankruptcy postupak.Trilijune dollars might be better spent creating jobs and restoring the livelihood of millions of middle-class citizens. Our government is already involved in too many of our lives in order to allow it to also stock ownership in the private sector. These are my common sense conclusions based on information that has reached the media.

These are conservative views, but I am not conservative or liberal. I am in favor of some form of government subsidized health insurance, the uninsured by 47 million (our middle class) and more under insured can not afford health insurance that they desperately need, including people with pre-existing conditions. This is a liberal stajališta.Veliku amount of money from the health care industry lobbyists will be our representatives in government thinking, will make it very interesting to see whether the public good has a higher prioritet.Zdravstvene cause bankruptcies needs to stop. To accomplish this, everyone needs a proper health insurance. Again, the middle class should not be set aside.

We currently have a middle class over their heads in debt, high unemployment, falling manufacturing base, which have their home in foreclosure, and minimal or no savings to fall back on. As the middle class is leaving the economy slijedi.Nekoliko hundred dollars one time boost the middle class, or buy shares in big corporations do not directly help the middle class in the immediate term. Not top-down economic theory that will work. This is the opposite, or bottom-up policies that immediately affect the middle class that will create the necessary changes. Put the middle class back to work, and the economy will stabilize.

With almost 22% of children in the United States lives in poverty, it is difficult to conclude that our nation is an example of stability and success. Keep in mind that the top one percent income income income twenty-one percent of all revenues. This means that the income elite receives disproportionate percentage of total income. In a free society should not complain with that. However, it was a natural economic forces or manipulation of these forces has caused the imbalance? I think it's the latter. Just look at the compensation packages of top Fortune 500 companies upravljanje.Plaća packages have become obscene. It is not only upravljanja.Neprofitnog corporate sector also has its own salary neravnoteže.Vijesti only reported the priest and receives compensation package of $ 600,000 per year. This total reflection is placed upside-down economy.

In addition, putting our middle class back to work, must also change your day-to-day life. No longer must seek debt as an alternative to sustain life. It ends in disaster. On the contrary, it must seek ways to establish different revenue sources to eliminate debt and allow compounding to work as a positive force. We have to improve our school system to better educate our middle class to give tools to work, prosper and raise the overall prosperity of the nation. Because the holes are dug to put people and the world in the current economic dilemma that will take time to right wrongs and make words from our Declaration of Independence lifestyle.

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