Some of my friends say they would rather not know anything about nutrition and how exactly they were eating, because ignorance is bliss and enjoyment of food is more important than anything else. But I would like knowledge is power, it's what drives me to read and understand what healthy eating is all about, why some people are so interested in healthy food, and what convicts people want to change your lifestyle. Knowing what is good to eat to help you plan your meals more wisely and keep what is most important to your health. Here I put together the four most talked about topics of healthy eating and healthy food: fat, meat, fiber, and sugar. If you do not know these facts before, you might change your whole perspective on eating right, just as it was for me.
1 Meat for the force
Meat may not exactly be called healthy foods, but it gives us many micronutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium and vitamins the body needs to grow and is the main source of protein. For example, beef contains very absorbed trace minerals such as iron, zinc, and manganese. Poultry and seafood contribute vitamin B6, and pork is a rich source of thiamine. However, meat and poultry contain very little fat, and about a third of that fat is saturated. Saturated fatty acids in the diet has been shown to correlate positively with total cholesterol levels, cholesterol and negatively correlated with (useful) level of HDL cholesterol. Saturated fat intake is at least as closely associated with arterial zgrušavanja.Visok intake of animal fat may increase the risk of cancers including colon, breast, prostate and pancreas. I used to care nothing about healthy eating and the desire for meat for flavor, and even insisted that I have meat at every meal. However, after learning so much about healthy eating, I would not dare to whisper, "a long life for all meat lovers!" As I so blatant in the past.
I know that eating grilled or barbecued meats, seafood and also exposes us to carcinogens called heterocyclic amines (HCAs). These health hazardous substances form on foods such as cooking over an open fire or grill under high heat, regardless of whether or not the character is formed. Also, it is interesting to note that when fat drips onto the heat source, creates flare-ups and smoke that then deposits on food another group of carcinogens, called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH ).
One way to avoid these carcinogens and still enjoy grilled meat as a healthy food is to put them under confidentiality foil before placing them on fire. In addition, the food gets the smell of barbecue, especially if you leave it on top of a loosely closed. Baking and roasting are healthier cooking methods. They are less likely to produce HCAs as cooking temperature is lower, and the cooking liquid (boiling, steaming, poaching, stewing, etc.) does not produce HCAs.
2 Fiber for digestion
Dietary fiber is found in plant foods and grains, beans, peas, corn, fruits and vegetables, as well as the magic ingredient that helps keeps our digestive system in perfect condition. It is composed of the indigestible parts or compounds plant that pass relatively unchanged through the stomach and intestines, although the bacteria in the colon can be partially digested fiber through fermentation. Fiber slows the rate of digestion of food, leading to a more gradual emptying of food from the stomach into the small intestine. That basically means that food gets digested before and is indigestible bits, including fiber, they moved out quickly. Healthy digestion affects the lower weight and health, which means less risk of getting many modern diseases such as colon disease and even diabetes. By slowing gastric emptying, fiber helps to avoid a situation in which the body has to produce large amounts of insulin (as a result of repeated rapid release of glucose into the intestine). This in turn helps protect you from dijabetesa.Dijeta rich in fiber, it is important for the elderly in our digestive system slows down with age.
Fiber is also known to absorb water to become lighter, bulkier and easier to move along. That is why it helps to prevent constipation. When the water is absorbed in the stomach, giving the feeling of fullness and thus reduce the amount of food consumed. So, do not forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day, so that the fiber you eat can swell to more easily.
3 Good fats makes the difference
"Eat low-fat, low-cholesterol, healthy food" is very common advice given to me. But what really matters is the type of fat in the diet. Remember, not all fats are created equal. What is clear is bad fats, meaning saturated and trans fats, a risk to health, and good fats, meaning monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats reduces the risk.
The key to getting healthy food is a substitute good fats for bad fats. Saturated fats are found in animal products like meat, seafood, whole milk dairy products (cheese, milk and ice cream), poultry skin and egg yolks and milk. Some plant foods are also high in saturated fats, including coconut and coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oils. Saturated fats increase the overall level of blood cholesterol more than dietary cholesterol because they tend to boost the good HDL and LDL cholesterol. Trans-fats are found in commercially prepared baked goods, margarines, snack foods, fried snack foods such as french fries and onion rings, processed foods, and margarine, many of them are produced by heating liquid vegetable oils in the presence of hydrogen. This process is known as hidrogenacija.Više hydrogenated oils, it will be difficult at room temperature. For example, soft margarine is less hydrogenated and so has less trans fat than stick margarine. Trans fats are even worse for cholesterol levels than saturated fats because they raise bad LDL and lower good HDL.
Good sources of healthy unsaturated fats are found in health food products derived from vegetable sources and oily fish such as losos.Dvije main categories are polyunsaturated fats found in high concentrations in sunflower, corn, soybeans and oil, and monounsaturated fat, found in high concentrations in canola, peanut, and olive oil. These healthy fats not only improve cholesterol levels, but also protect the heart.
4 Sweets for pleasure
Almost every food we eat contains sugar. It is better to enjoy a really extravagant dessert from time to time than to fill your daily diet with "fat-free" sugary treats that are basically empty calories and no nutritional benefits. In addition to table sugar, watch out for other forms of sugar, especially those words that end with "ol" or "axis". Consuming sugar artificial sweeteners in the so-called healthy foods can be more damaging than beneficial to our health.
How would the amount of sugar floating through the blood vessels around a teaspoon, your body releases insulin whenever you eat foods that result in sugar entering your blood stream. Most carbohydrates fit this category. Sugar, most sweeteners, grains, cookies, cakes, pastries, pasta, and starchy vegetables like potatoes all lead to the release of sugar into the blood stream. Insulin works by stimulating your cell foam this excess sugar from the blood stream. Once inside the cell, the sugar used for energy, and excess amounts are converted to fat. Excess insulin is known to cause weight gain due to the storage of fat and sodium, which leads to holding excess water retention and high blood pressure.
Reduce your intake of sugar and all foods that contain sugar. Some of the concentrated sources of sugar are soda, cookies, chocolate, donuts, pastries, ice cream, and ketchup. Avoid sweeteners such as molasses, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup and, and to replace table sugar in drinks, cooking and baking with natural sweeteners like honey. Do activities and exercises that build or maintain your muscles. Muscle tissue acts as a place to store extra šećer.Više muscle tissue you have, the better you can regulate your blood sugar and insulin levels.
healthy food is important.