Typically, alternative medicine differs from traditional medicine in that alternative medicine is older and what we might call unconventional or non-western medicine. Alternative medicine does not follow the traditional science and research, which currently take medications. Alternative medicine also can be called traditional or complementary medicine or therapy that can be integrated into the current medicine.Osoblje National Library of Medicine U.S. classified under the category of alternative medicine, complementary therapies into their medical Themes Section title. This is done in a year 2002.Definiciji is that alternative medicine therapeutic practices are not taken into account as an integral part of traditional allopathic medicine. Therapies such as acupuncture, diet, physical therapy such as exercise and yoga, etc. are termed as alternative medicine. These therapies are called complementary when used together with conventional treatments. If they are done in place of conventional treatments, they are known as alternative treatments.
In April 1995, a panel of National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, worked on Definition and Description, CAM Research Methodology Conference, the Office of Alternative medicine.Ploča defines alternative medicine and complementary medicine as well as those of healing resources that encompasses all health systems and practices that differ from the dominant health system of a particular society or culture. Typically, therapies such as Ayurveda, herbal remedies, folk medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, natural, nutrition practices, chiropractic, music therapy, massage, Pranic Healing, etc. are classified as alternative or complementary medicine. People who do not find a cure, cure or success of allopathic medicine in general try alternative medicine. Such people tend to suffer from cancer, arthritis, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), chronic back pain, alternative medicine therapies, etc. are included in order not to be included in that category after their effectiveness has been proven and they are considered safe and effective. They are then considered as part of the traditional medicine.Primjer be chiropractors. Twenty years ago, the insurance would not pay for them as they are considered "alternative and inefficient." Today thousands of people who are using chiropractic and now recognized in the medical zajednice.Sličan movement is underway in dietary supplement and nutraceutical industry.
Over the years, more and more people are using alternative medicine because traditional medicine does not work for njih.2004 Research National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States found that about 36% of Americans used alternative medicine in 2002 . If alternative medicine is used in conjunction with traditional allopathic medicine, the doctor is an integrative person's best option. Some traditional doctors are strongly against or simply do not believe in complementary medicine, even though research shows that is still used by many compounds. Your doctor should be informed about other approaches you might use, and if they do not like it then still free to choose another doctor. This would allow doctors to predict possible complications, or a better time in which the use of complementary terapije.Zabrinutost in using alternative medicine stems from the fact that some practitioners of alternative medicine do not have an accredited medical degree and therefore do not have a valid medical license. However, in recent years, many educational institutions and universities have begun offering courses in homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, acupuncture and naturopathy. The recent growth in this industry is seen by many people of different demanding, and in some cases better care than they receive in the "modern medicine." They are no longer accepts the fact that they need to suffer with pain or illness because of modern pharmacy no magic bullet for them.
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