Crude dehydrated kale chips ....... are as good for you as they say? The answer is "absolutely"! Let's start with talking about kale. Kale is, pound for pound, calorie for calorie, the most nutrient dense vegetables on the planet.
Dr. Oz called it a "super food", and Whole Foods Market is that kale is at the top of its scale, which ranks Anda.Razmjera vegetables on the nutrient profile. Kale has calcium, vitamin A, C, K, lutein, iron, i. It is also rich in sulfur, which helps the body perform many of its functions and reports to help in the fight against cancer.
Why raw and dehydrated? Food that is called "raw" must be dried at a temperature below 118 degrees. This low temperature allows the food to the precious enzymes and nutrients that are usually lost during traditional cooking metode.Enzimi are then able to make these nutrients more bio-available. It's just a fancy way of saying that the nutrients are easy to handle and use.
Raw kale chips are becoming more and more popular and easier to find online and in stores. There are several flavors out there, and I found one of my favorites for flavor vegan cheese. It is made without cheese, but tastes just like cheese. There are some combination of sesame tahini, paprika and the magic that makes these gluten free treats tastes absolutely delicious. You can put them in soups and salads, and even mashed potatoes. For the sweet tooth is a taste of coconut maple. Sounds strange, but it is very good. Somehow flavors work together, and I even managed to convince my friend's four year old to eat them.
Everyone loves to snack and used in a healthy way will be the best choice. Raw kale chips make a snack while doing your health benefits.
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