Many people who suffer from depression like the idea of finding a natural treatment for their condition, instead of taking prescription antidepressants.
Is there something you can get in health food stores that may help with depression? Yes, maybe, if your depression in mild to moderate range težine.Težih or long-term depression should be treated by a qualified professional.
If you are already taking prescription anti-depressants, not to take any natural remedies at the same time without any prior consultation with a doctor!
In some cases, it can be dangerous interactions. Just because something is natural does not mean that it is always safe for everyone.
St. St. John's Wort
One of the best known and most prescribed natural remedies for depression is St. John's Wort. This herb has been used as a remedy for depression in Europe for decades. It is believed that the now commonly used to treat depression in the world.
Many people who take St. John's Wort say they prefer to gently lift the plant given in relation to side effects of prescription antidepressants.
exact method by which St. John's Wort works is nepoznat.Glavni active ingredient is believed to be hypericin. Other factors in the plant may have anti-depressant effect as well.
is typical recommended dose is 900 mg a day, divided. Look for a product that is standardized to contain.3 percent hypericin.
Some side effects with St. John's wort may be experienced. They include nausea and abdominal pain. Some people experience increased sensitivity to sunlight, and there are some indications that consumption can lead to higher incidence of cataracts.
Not all studies St. John's Wort has shown positive results. Many researchers in Europe say that St. John's wort is effective, but at least one large U.S. study has recently been shown to be ineffective as a treatment for depression.
When you buy St. John's wort or any herbal product, buy only those brands that have a reputation for reliability. Some independent tests have confirmed that not all brands of St. John's Wort for sale actually contain ingredients claimed on the packaging.
If you are already taking a prescription antidepressant, do not start taking St. John's wort without consulting your doctor first. On May not be compatible with other drugs.
Do not take St. John's wort if you are suffering from bipolar depression, or if you are pregnant.
If you want to find something from the health food store in the fight against depression, you can ask for SAM-e, also known as S-adenosyl-methionine.
SAM-e is a substance that our body can make using the amino acid L-methionine, and various other nutrients. It is believed that SAM-e can stimulate neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which may be able to improve mood.
research reports from Europe say SAM-e has the same rate of efficiency as well as most prescription antidepressants, about 70 percent, but it works faster and has fewer side effects. Some studies have found positive improvements in depressed patients in a pair of four days.
SAM-e is better absorbed if you take it on an empty stomach between obroka.Predložio dose is 400 milligrams a day.
People who have bipolar depression should not take SAM-e. If you are already taking antidepressants, MAO inhibitors, do not take SAM-e. SAM-e is not legally available in all countries.
amino acid therapy for depression
Not all psychiatrists prescribe pharmaceutical antidepressants. Some psychiatrists prefer to treat depression with natural supplements such as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and amino acids.
of amino acids that have been found most effective in treating depression are L-tyrosine, L-tryptophan and L-phenylalanine.
For many decades, the amino acid L-tryptophan has been widely used to successfully treat depression. However, in 1989 the contaminated batch of the substance resulted in several deaths, so that L-trypophan was removed from the market. Although the production process for L-tryptophan was changed to prevent this problem, the ban on sales of L-tryptophan in many countries and beyond.
Today, the product is related to L-tryptophan, called 5-HTP is available in many health stores hrane.5-HTP is believed that none of the problems caused by L-tryptophan to be withdrawn from the shelves, and it seems that is effective in improving depression.
If you choose to use 5-HTP for depression, talk with your doctor. People who take MAO inhibitor medications for depression should not be taking amino acids. Very young and very old people should avoid amino acids.
Other natural therapies should be considered
In those countries where people eat lots of fish of the ocean, the rate of depression seems to be low. North Americans do not eat much fish the ocean, and the rate of depression in North America is quite high. Many nutritionally oriented therapists believe that there is a connection.
Certain ocean fish such as tuna and salmon are very rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and other compounds that are beneficial to the heart and brain. Eat more of these fish or taking fish oil capsules from health food store may be useful in treating some cases of depression.
However, there is much controversy about whether these fish are safe to eat, since many large ocean fish are now contaminated with mercury poisoning.
Does the benefit of fish oil outweigh the possible dangers of mercury?
Researchers disagree on this point. But you can try to include more fish like salmon and tuna in your diet to see if it boosts your mood.
folic acid
Folic acid is one of the most important nutrients in the body, but unfortunately, a lack of folic acid is one of the most common deficiencies in the world.
Low levels of folic acid are associated with heart problems, memory problems, and depression.
If you suffer from depression, consider taking at least 400 mcg. per day in addition.
Final thoughts
This is a brief rundown of natural products can be found in health food stores that can help with depression.
However, there are at least two other ideas I want to mention in closing that have proved to be very useful in cases of depression.
Remember that before antidepressants were invented, people mainly rely on talk therapy to try to get better. It can still work very well if you have a good therapist, and if you pay for therapy is not a problem for you.
Not all types of psychotherapy for depression. Cognitive therapy teaches the patient a new, more realistic way of thinking. Cognitive therapy is a record of treatment for depression that occurs as a cure rate of most antidepressants.
We also note that before therapists were invented, people talking over problems with trusted friends, family members and spiritual advisers. So, if good therapists are not readily available where you live, you can try to look for other people to talk to that might help.
And now, here's a final remedy for some cases of depression that is easily accessible for most of us - exercise
.In some studies, regular physical exercise has been shown to relieve depression as effectively as drugs!
So, consider incorporating some of these ideas into your life, you feel a little depressed.
However, if your depression is serious, professional treatment May be required.
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