Thursday, November 17, 2011

Teeth Falling Out in a Dream? Warning Signs of Danger - Health and Safety by Interpreting Dreams

Dreams where you see your teeth falling out are the warning signs of danger that can not be ignored. Your teeth in dreams represent their strength. If you see that they are falling, it means that you actually lose a life.

You have lost your mental energy, and becomes the slave of his absurd wild side that did not develop even as the human side of conscience.

I do not think it's a superstition, because the scientific method of dream interpretation is a very serious translation that accurately translates the wise unconscious messages contained in the dream slike.Psihijatar Carl Jung managed to figure out how we translate the dream language of understanding of its symbolism.

Although it gave light to the world, until today, its main findings were not recognized by the scientific community, and that is why it is still seen everywhere, many distortions of the meaning of dreams, all of which are based on assumptions. My work gives Carl Jung recognition it deserves. In addition, it gives you the ability to instantly learn everything, because he simplified a complicated method.

If your teeth are falling asleep instantly you must learn how to translate your dreams according to the scientific method, and just follow the unconscious guidance without objection.

, which make very serious mistakes that will carry heavy costs because they lost their mental energy and all their energies to what you are doing.

When I was in the beginning of my research I met a girl who told me that she had always dreamed that her teeth were knocked out. After asking her about her life, and after translating dreams for her, I saw that it was completely immoral, without understanding what she was doing. It is a shame, especially since he was very young. It is actually manipulates our cruel society, and at the same time, falling into the trap of her wild conscience.

I also interpreted the dreams of many older people, which confirms that they are making serious mistakes such as this young girl who becomes a creature without human dignity.

do not have to be young to be a serious moral mistakes in life, so it does not matter if you feel that you zreli.San warnings protecting you and showing you the truth that you can not see yourself, or the truth that you refuse to see because do not want to admit you're wrong.

be smart when you see your teeth fall asleep.

you will find health and safety of writing down your dreams every day, so that the unconscious mind can show you what you do in your dreams. If you do not listen to warnings of the unconscious, you will fall into the trap of your wild side, which controls its behavior, and at the same time, you will be the victim of other people's wickedness.

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