final and third set of molars are the wisdom teeth. If they are properly aligned and healthy can be an advantage if you are affected or distorted will probably have to be extracted. The wisdom teeth extractions - Dental Care can advise you on what is best for your situation
.final and third set of molars are the wisdom teeth. If they are properly aligned and healthy can be an advantage if you are affected or distorted will probably have to be extracted. The wisdom teeth extractions - Dental Care can advise you on what is best for your situation
....When the wisdom teeth grow horizontally they can damage adjacent teeth, jawbone and nerves and will have to be removed. They can trap plaque and cause decay. If they are caught in the soft tissue that can allow bacteria to grow and cause infection, this is known as an impacted tooth that can be very painful. Brushing is a difficult and gum disease is likely to develop with these teeth.
...of teeth consists of three layers including enamel, dentin and pulp. Teeth are important for speech and chewing, and the hardest substance in our bodies. Enamel is the white outer part of the tooth. Dentin the substrate is composed of living cells, and the pulp is soft inner structure consists of the nerves and blood vessels.
...Your dentist will take x-rays of teeth occasionally to see what happens, if your wisdom teeth need attention, or she will advise you accordingly. Or horizontally misaligned teeth may need to be extracted before they cause problems. This will prevent the complex and painful extraction at a later time. It is easier to remove wisdom teeth in young people, when the bone is less dense, not fully developed. When this is done on older people take longer to heal.
...Wisdom teeth are easily distinguished, as well as any other teeth if they are fully erupted. If not your dentist will tell you what the plan in the pre-extraction examination. If they are embedded in the gums and jaw you will need to have some of the bones were removed as well. They will probably be removed in sections to reduce the amount of bone that will be lost. You will be given to local and sedative during the procedure, and you should not drive yourself home.
...In order to reduce the pain of ice place in the face of the swelling and leave it for 10 minutes and off for 20 minutes for the first 24 hours. You can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for minor pain. If necessary, your dentist may prescribe a stronger medication. If you are on antibiotics and still are.
In order to reduce the pain of ice place in the face of the swelling and leave it for 10 minutes and off for 20 minutes for the first 24 hours. You can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for minor pain. If necessary, your dentist may prescribe a stronger medication. If you are on antibiotics and still are.
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