During the old days, hospitals and physicians depend on traditional knowledge, transmitted from person to person, to diagnose, monitor and treat people who suffer from diseases and health stanja.Znanja that was used at that time it was thought that things but still lacked accurate results. In addition, lack of results, these processes are slow, taking a long time to provide treatment for pacijente.Nesposobnost traditional medical practices to provide fast and accurate results led to further complications and made things worse. As time went on, advances in medical equipment, allowing for better, faster and more effective treatments.
medical equipment, from the moment they discovered they were able to save thousands of lives each year. They are a key part of medical and health care operations, and are often used in hospitals and clinics worldwide. These medical devices and equipment is very important in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of disease. Without them, detecting and treating certain medical conditions at risk.
In recent years, there has been major advancements made in medical opremu.Otkriće modern computers has helped a lot in the technological advances that have been done in this modern medical devices. These technological breakthroughs covering a wide range of fields of medicine and treatment, including cardiology, neurology, gynecology and reproductive health among others.
One of the most important recent advancements made in medical device is a portable ultrasound device. With the help of smart phones available with an ultrasound probe of knowledge via USB, this device allows the patient data to be sent from remote locales experts over the phone. On the other hand, these experts can further analyze the data that is sent and send back a diagnosis as soon as possible.
prostate cancer, a condition common among many older men can now be treated using the original method of treatment for prostate growths. This method uses microwave pulses that are focused on super dissolve abnormal growth of prostate području.Novootkrivenim gamma cameras have become one of the most useful tools for the diagnosis of cancer dojke.Brest-specific gamma images or bigs can provide much help in detecting cancers, which often pass unnoticed. Another important progress has been made the idea of using microwaves in the treatment of some forms of cancer. This technology involves the use of thin needle is inserted into the tumor, which was found to be kancerogen.Iglu radiates a warm oven, causing cancer cells to die after a while. Operations will soon be implemented even without the physical presence of a physician with the introduction of robotic surgery. These robotic surgeons will be equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) programs, including 3D ultrasound imaging, enabling these robots to perform simple surgery itself.
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