Friday, October 14, 2011

The Two Sides of the Raw Food Movement

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As with the standard American diet, a diet of philosophy in natural health world can be confusing, especially when the promoters of the raw food diet did not agree with each other about what is actually a raw food diet. For example, there is the Hippocrates program, which proposes a diet consisting mainly of seeds, vegetables and little fruit. There is a Rainbow Green Diet, which eliminates the fruits of time and focuses on vegetables, seaweed, spirulina and other "green" foods.

And there are those who promote a diet that includes lots of "super-foods", such as coconut oil, cocoa beans, maca powder, and other such exotic ingredients. We also have an instinctive eating movement that recommends eating raw foods in their natural state (without juicing, blending, mixing, etc.), but often include raw meat and fish in the fare.

Some raw-foodists eat raw dairy products, insisting that we need some animal food in our diet in order to be successful. Then there are those who recommend a fruit-based diet, a rare few who recommend all fruit diet.

There is a natural hygiene, which insists on eating foods in their natural state and avoiding strong irritants such as garlic, hot peppers, spices and salt. Then of course there are those who take no position at all and only recommend that people find out "what works for them ."

So the newcomer, who is faced with all these different diet philosophies, there is no choice but to wonder who is right and who's wrong.

While it is true that the different philosophies give different, they are basically promoting the same thing. Before the test diets in a harsh world, let's take a look at several other popular diets out there.

medical model for nearly 150 years, the medical model for dieting is the recommendation of a high fat, high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. He started becoming popular in 1860, when the Londoner William Banting lost 50 pounds on high-protein diet consisting of dry roasted lean meats, soft-boiled eggs and vegetables. He wrote a book in 1864 called "Letters of corpulence," which became an instant bestseller. By 1880, "Banting" is the first American program mršavljenja.Nešto later, another physician named James Salisbury began promoting a diet consisting mainly of hot water and minced meat patties (the famous Salisbury steak) for health and weight loss.

When he wrote Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution "in 1972, he did not invent anything new. He is constantly on the promotion of the medical model for weight loss, which has always consisted of a reduction in calories in the context of high-fat, high-protein diet. Since then, most diets are just variations on the same topic, with varying degrees of restrictions and new trik.Zona diet, South Beach diet, nutrition and even blood are just variations on a medical model for the child. Challengers to the medical model for dieting and weight loss is always recommended low-fat diet. Generally, their books are not in fashion as well as other diet fads I mentioned, but their program is based on more solid science.

Proponents of low-fat diets are Dr. Dean Ornish. Dr. Ornish is the first to be proven through extensive research that coronary heart disease can be reversed by making comprehensive changes in diet and lifestyle, including low-fat vegetarian diet. Other advocates of low-fat diets are Dr. McDougall, who has recommended low-fat diets for decades and whose results are well documented ().

Also, in a low-fat camp there T. Colin Campbell, who led the China study: the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted. We also have most of the vegan and vegetarian physician who wrote books and did his own research, such as Dr. Klaper, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, and many others. When you look at it like that, and if we go past small differences in the details, we can roughly see the following picture: We have a medical model, which is promoted by most of the "research" we hear in the newspapers, popular magazines and fitness centers. This model is commonly recommended high-fat, high-protein diet and calorie reduction, or variations on that theme. Then there is an "alternative" model, which is promoted by various doctors and serious researchers, and backed up by a large amount of data. This model is recommended vegetable, low-fat vegetarian diet.

FOCUS ON RAW - There are basically two different models of diet.

  1. with a high-fat, raw diet . This approach generally promotes eating vegetables based diet. Although the promoters of this diet does not like to say, it is also very high fat diet
  2. fruit-based, low-fat diet . This approach recognizes the problems of eating large amounts of fat, although fat can come from natural sources such as avocados, nuts, seeds, etc. Instead the main source of fat calories, this approach recommends fruit as the main source of calories.

The raw-food diet foods that provide calories are basically limited to two options: fruit or fat. Why is this so? The fact is that the fruit is the only real source of carbohydrate in their diet raw. Complex sugars such as bread, pasta, potatoes, etc., generally avoided. Although some vegetables contain carbohydrates, it can not be considered to be a significant source of them. They are so low in calories that it would be impossible to eat enough of them to meet the needs of our calories. To get 2000 calories, you should eat about 50 heads of lettuce, or over 75 raw carrots. It just does not dogoditi.Alternativa that eating fatty foods such as avocados, olive oil, nuts and seeds. When a raw food person says that he does not recommend eating lots of fruit, then by default, it means that he recommends a high-fat diet. There is simply no other way around!

which side are you on? Once you realize that all these endless dietary approaches can really be filtered down to just two, you have to decide where you stand. What will follow a raw diet? High fat diet or high-fruit diet? In my experience, trying to find a middle ground is a frustrating endeavor. The reasons why little research. Let me explain: On the high fat diet, insulin sensitivity is greatly reduced, meaning that simple sugars do not reach their destination (station) as quickly. When a person on a high fat diet eat lots of fruit (sugar), are often symptoms of hypoglycemia, candida, concentration problems and more toga.Jednadžba is a high-fat diet + fruit = disaster. For low-fat diet, however, believe that all those symptoms disappear, even though a lot of fruit consumed. Insulin acts effectively to transport simple sugars to the cells. Concentration increases and blood sugar levels stable. These results are perfectly consistent with all the various medical research mentioned earlier, that promote low-fat diet. Trying to mix different approaches together will end disastrously. Why not choose one and stick with it really?

Your time to choose If you want to eat a raw-food diet, you have a choice between high fruit, low-fat diet or high-fat dijeta.Izbor is yours, but do not take lightly their decision. Personally, the answer is očit.Low-fat diet makes the most sense, is the easiest to practice, the most rewarding results in terms of health and energy levels, and one that is most consistent with the most advanced scientific research. For me, high-fat diet of raw materials is just a variation on a medical model of diet and weight loss. That does not make sense and does not give you the performance you expect from a successful program. So decide where you stand?

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