Saturday, September 1, 2012

10 Health benefits of the raw food diet

From raw food nutrients in your raw food diet nutrition 75%-95% plan, such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, sprouts, nuts, root vegetables, pumpkin, roots, seaweed, fresh herbs, fresh spices and this is. I enjoy dairy products made from raw milk or some raw food lovers home students. Products, such as milk and cheese. To eliminate toxins from the body since it will help this kind of nutrition plan is also called as a detox diet.

These foods can lower nutritional content of cooking them is 118 or low temperature heat tolerance.

Eat foods you include most of the State of nature to many health benefits.

1. Lose weight: all high-fat and sugary processed foods cuts normal, natural weight loss.

2 More energy: loaded with chemicals that end up on the couch sleeping we instead today we most of the food consumed providing us with very sustainable energy. Raw food diet provides more natural energy.

3. Focus: this type of diet will also help us or we become blank in better hands instead of having the mind wander through the work and focus on the task.

4 Improved digestion: digestion problems today's society is common so not mean never consume many items to eat our bodies made from unnatural ingredients,.

5. Better pH balance: "hydrogen" in pH stands for potential, it is the measurement of alkaline acid and body. This measure has been acid 0 and 14 by alkalization and scale of 0-14. Is the most important pH balance of the blood. 7.35 To 7.45 average blood pH, because of higher end keeps your pH balance. You may do a little research of your own healthy pH balance as this short paragraph isn't easy.

6. Body less acid: an unhealthy, cause most dairy products, baked goods, such as meat products and processed food packaged goods almost chemically acidic environment at our bodies. High levels of acid provides a perfect environment for the growth of cancer cells. And your body by eating a raw food diet reduce the acid and alkaline levels up is.

7. Glowing skin: your skin natural shine will start for healthy environments for your provided at higher levels of healthy acid alkaline and lower-level cells.

8. Healthy joints and ligament tissue.

9. Detox: we ingest when eating processed or cooked foods all chemical substances your body, antiseptic and other toxins by eating this type of diet, detoxification and natural.

10, And overall health: better than your body is nourished. Your metabolism from loss of concentration, fatigue, headache, muscle pain less to suffer high runs.

You can see more, to adopt the raw food diet plan for many benefits. Things have to be boring ever since, is a food eating endless variety. This is available to give a preparation books for some really good raw food good new ideas. So your own and adopting the ways your family eat healthy this nutritious treat.

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