Monday, October 8, 2012

Depression and heart disease-a deadly combination

Depression is a very common disease affecting millions of people.

It is a risk factor for coronary artery disease. Depression is treated under recognition sometimes is. However, you can effectively treat the depression after diagnosis.

Depression is now considered major health problems related to those problems particularly heart disease. Depression is important to recognize directly linked to heart disease.

Depression is a disease affects everyone at any time.

What is depression? Depression is just feeling of sadness or low mood. Is aware of, often life-threatening diseases. To normal everyday activities in general people with depression is difficult. Depression is not only physical and mental health has serious implications.

Coronary heart disease

Research shows people the disease with coronary artery disease and a very common. And to further increase the risk of coronary heart disease in people with heart problems it is known.

What is the cure for this disease? Exercise program has shown significantly affecting people with heart conditions. Provides great results in the type of people as shown in light to moderate exercise program for low-severity of depression. But treatment of this disease more serious type of type is required. Depression, than to treat you know that psychological, effective pharmaceutical treatment is that important.

Take a look at issues such as changing the relations of the hardships and psychological treatment concept sort of negative patterns.

Is used to improve the relationship between the way of thinking people in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) and fix.

Affected by the depression must be understood as today, throughout the world many people transfer of disease and illness than it is not.

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