Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Health Diet - Gout and the Control of the Painful Symptoms With the Correct Foods

Gout Explained

This form of arthritis is made from painful joints caused by swelling, tenderness and inflammation, the chronic nature, but occurs in a sudden and acute attacks [which means that you always have, but it does not hurt all the time] . Prior to modernization and social reform this condition was known as a disease of the rich because a strong link between food and gout. In this modern age gout has become commonplace as it is less difference between the food eaten by both rich and poor.

men [mostly middle-aged] are more prone to this form of arthritis than women, although post-menopausal women are also susceptible. These are not hard and fast rules as this situation has become much more common, and almost anyone can be afflicted by this very painful condition.

The causes of gout

    lack of exercise consuming too much alcohol - particularly beer stress - it plays havoc with our health the best time heredity - 20% chance of developing gout, if your parents to the heredity - 20% chance of developing gout, if your parents to the... excess uric acid - the end product normally excreted by the kidneys, which can build up in joints medical conditions - such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and narrowing of the arteries, if these conditions are treated appropriately can contribute to gout certain drugs - diuretics, such as is used for high blood pressure can cause increased uric acid, such as the low-dose aspirin and anti-rejection drugs

Various home remedies / cures for gout

    Cherry [sweet or sour] - considered to be quite effective, the patient should begin with diet 20-25 cherries per day until the pain subsides, and then stay on the diet for maintenance of these cherries [about 10 per day] to keep the situation under control. Canned cherries can be used now and then [if not fresh ones are available], but fresh are best. vegetable juices - combining raw carrots [300 ml], canola [100ml] and cucumber [100ml] juice is especially helpful in treating this condition, and should be taken daily. pods - the juice of this vegetable has been found effective in treating this painful condition, 150ml should be taken daily Apples - malic acid in these fruits helps neutralize uric acid, which in turn relieves the pain suffered during a gout episode. Eat the apple after each meal is advised here. Banana - will find useful in providing some relief, he advised the patient to go to a banana diet for only 3-4 days [9 bananas]. Do not forget to eat anything else at the time, but allowed to keep their fluid intake Lime - juice of 1 / 2 lime should be taken twice a dan.Vitamina C, is in the lime, it can prevent and cure sore joints by strengthening connective tissue, and citric acid acts as an anti-solvent of uric acid.

External gout treatments

    Epsom salt foot baths and bath - soak your feet twice a day tolerable hot water with about 250 to 500 mg of these salts. Take a full bath salts at least twice a week as well. Cold packs - apply to affected area at night are beneficial. Raise the affected ankle and try to keep the weight off it [using crutches if your thumb]

Remember -. And any or all of these medications will help control the problem, it is still very important to listen to what your doctor advises, and to inform him of any changes to

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